Arrows Racing Team

Frequently asked questions

How do I purchase an item?

Motorsport Gold offers you the opportunity to purchase unique race used items online. For enquiries, please get in touch.

How can I find out how much an item costs?

If the price of a particular item of memorabilia is not given or labelled 'POA' (Price on Application), please get in touch and we will contact you with further details.

How do I find out more information about an item?

If you'd like to know more about a particular piece displayed in the Motorsport Gold collection, please click ‘Enquire’ or, alternatively, please get in touch with us and we will respond as soon as we can.

What are my payment options?
Motorsport Gold accepts bank transfers and all major credit cards and debit cards, including American Express, MasterCard and VISA. All bank card and transaction information is confidential and treated securely.

What delivery options do you offer?

All orders will be despatched by courier (we usually use ParcelForce or DHL).

How long do deliveries take?
We will confirm delivery timeframes upon receipt of purchase but once dispatched, you should expect your order to arrive within the following timeframes:
UK 5-7 working days
Europe 7-10 working days
Rest of World (including USA) 12-14 working days

Please note, due to the COVID-19 situation, these delivery estimates may change.

Condition of Sale

At Motorsport Gold we don’t offer refunds unless there is due cause for an item being returned, such as damage. In this case, the buyer must notify Motorsport Gold in writing of any defects immediately. For further information about our return policy, please see our Terms & Conditions or contact us.


For all information concerning consignment and selling your race used items and memorabilia with Motorsport Gold, please get in touch.


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